Фредерик Маннберг

  Shadowland - 2003

  The 8th Sin - 1

  The 8th Sin - 2




Главная  История группыКто есть ктоДискографияThe 8th Sin

Karma: Well what is your most embarrassing CD you own?

 Nils: Oh my god, I just went through my CDs and I don’t I found anything that was embarrassing thing would be my Powerslave [Iron Maiden] CD. Probably one of the most embarrassing things is busted. It was sitting on a lamp at a party and it sort of burned to a crisp.

 Karma: [Shock fills my voice] Okay!

 Nils: [Says shamefacedly] That’s sort of embarrassing!

 Karma: Well I guess it would be your most embarrassing CD since it’s burnt.

 Nils: Yeah, exactly! [Laughs]

 Karma: What’s your favorite Swedish pick-up line?

 Nils: Oh my god! I lost my phone number, can I have yours? [Laughter ensues]

 Karma: Oh, that’s a good one! I like that one!! What does the next year hold for NR?

 Nils: After we’ve been to the US, we’re going to Japan then coming back…

 Karma: To the States?

 Nils: No, no, we’re coming back to Europe and we’re doing festivals…I’m going to have to check actually. We’re doing Wacken Open Air, we’re doing some festivals in Sweden, and actually starting this weekend, we’re playing a festival in Sweden. We’re doing Bloodstock in the UK and I guess they’re still booking so we’ll see what happens. We’re gonna keep playing throughout the year and maybe start writing an album in maybe September? We’re still fiddling around with some ideas already but no real songs yet.

 Karma: Oh, that’s awesome. What would you like the music community to remember about Nocturnal Rites?

 Nils: That we had fun and that we were a fun band, we loved playing music, and that we were just nice guys. I don’t know, we’re in it for the fun! We’re not a pretentious band, we don’t want to be the fastest band, to the most evil band or the most,…I don’t know what. We’re just out there to have fun and I think the crowd appreciates that’s why they buy our CDs you know. 

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