Karma: Fair enough. Now in
your opinion, why do you consider power metal unflattering? Is it that you find
it to be so cliched, passй, and/or
oversaturated? Nils: I think yeah,
oversaturated. With any genre when it becomes popular a lot of bands start
playing it and a lot of records come out and it sort of gets flooded out in a
rush...I don’t know how else to explain it other than there are just way too
many crappy bands and the quality is just, crappy! [Laughs] But you know what
I’m talking about. Karma: All too
well! Well as far as your music is concerned, it’s very atmospheric and seems
likes there’s a shroud of mystery, which surrounds it. How do you explain
that? Nils: I don’t know, we’ve
when it comes to melodies I’ve always been fond of like you said the
atmospheric kind of melodies and the keyboards and all that stuff. We can’t
seem to get away from it for some reason. [Chuckles] We’ve never sat down and
chose what kind of songs to write. We’ve always started out with every album
with a clean sheet, whatever comes out, comes out, and that’s the way the
songs end up. I don’t know how to explain it; it’s just us writing songs. Karma: What have you learn
about yourself and your band mates as musicians since the inception of
Nocturnal Rites? In saying that, do you feel you've evolved to the fullest of
your ability after seven albums? Nils: I think so. I mean,
when you’re in a band, we started out a long time ago [1990], and I started
to play the bass for the band when I was really, really young kid, you know.
In was in school and I was thirteen. What I’ve learned is that you should
always base music and be in a band on having fun. Not set your goals too high
and just have a good time, not get ahead of yourselves. We’ve done so many
things over the years that are great. We’ve been on tour; we’ve toured all
over the world, we’ve played in front of thousands and thousands of people. I
mean I’m living the dream that I had when I was a kid; when I bought albums
and listened to the classic old bands. I could never have dreamed that I
would actually get to tour all over the world with my music! [Voice fills exuberance]
So I’ve learned that music is all about having fun and just living in the now
and having a good time. Karma: Awesome
advice, having said that, Are there any lessons you wouldn't be willing to
repeat? Nils: Yeah, it’s the
whole business part of the band, you know. When you first start out, you
don’t really think about money, that’s not an issue. You know, just really
being out is cool and you really, really don’t pay that much attention to the
money side of it. We’ve taken some tolls on that! We’ve should have done a
lot of things differently; you learn as you go along just like with any other
thing I guess. Karma: Congrats, with recent
release Grand Illusion, it’s an amazing release! Many lyrics seem to
be straightforward yet some subliminal. Would you agree? Nils: Yeah! I’m not
your average kind of deep guy when I write lyrics but I don’t really like
when lyrics are in your face. I think it’s boring to listen to and I’m not a
political kind of guy and I don’t want to spread that kind of message with my
songs. I think you’re right, definitely. When someone reads the lyrics, I
think it’s really hard not to understand what they’re about. |